
Polyglamorous is a multi award-winning Brighton based queer dance party. The chromatic club night changes theme every month and is a queer utopia of music, dance, fashion and art. Venues Chalk Venue - chalkvenue.com Concorde2 - concorde2.co.uk

Globe iconwww.facebook.com/polyglamorousbrighton/

Opening Hours:
Not available

Toilet Facilities:
Gender neutral

Upcoming Events
Total events : 0

Venue Calendar

The events listed here have been created by Polyglamorous. You might find that some events that are outside of the scope of this website and are not listed on the main events page.

If you wish to maintain the calendar for this venue then please signup on the login page and then request access... Login for more details

Total events : 0

Polyglamorous 13 Pool Valley, Brighton, , , BN1 1NJ
Open map in Google Maps for directions